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Tuesdays Tabletop Talk - New Codexes & Tournaments

40k, Singapore, Tactics,

Hi Everyone, with the release of the Space Marine (SM) Codex not two weeks ago and the impending release of both the Grey Knight (GK) and Traitor Legions (TL) Codexes this weekend, it's been a busy two weeks. Thankfully the pace will slow down a tiny bit with only a single codex (Death Guard) release soon after that and no confirmation regarding releases beyond.

Interestingly enough, our upcoming tournament here in Singapore (an Invitational Qualifier) on 19th of August, will be using all 3 Codexes. While it might not give players that much time to familiarise themselves with the new stuff in its entirety, it does mean that we won't be stuck with a tournament turn out of 75% of armies having a Space Marine detachment. A wide variety is always good for tournaments regardless of the number of attendees. Additionally, the streams of information coming from online sources these days (including from the fantastic Warhammer Community guys/gals) means that we've already had quite a bit of a peek at the new rules. Moreover, people who do tend to go unprepared for tournaments (rules-wise) will go unprepared regardless of how much time you give them. Having looked through both the available GK and TL codex information so far, there are a number of similar Stratagems across all 3 of the Codexes (including SM) so that cuts down on the familiarisation effort as well.


On the surface, both the GK and TL seem to play the same as their Index versions with GK focusing on devastating alpha strikes and anti-daemon advantages, and TL using a core of cultists and Traitor Marines backed up by specialist cult forces and daemon engines. Both codexes also get the old "Objective Secured" rules for their troops if their detachment is made up entirely of "Grey Knights" or "Heretic Astartes" choices. This makes regular traitor marines and cultists worth considering, and GK Strike Squads an even better choice than they were previously (sorry GK Terminators, no love for you).

With my disastrous 0-3 (with a bye in the last round) showing at the recent 1k point tournament held by Gamersaurus Rex, I'm looking to do better this time round, starting with a more competitive list (brought a triple Carnifex Tyranid list last outing). That does mean that I'll also have much less time to paint this time round. There will always be sacrifices and concessions to be made and it looks like I'm going to have to give up Path of Exile for a couple of weeks (*whine...) and dig in to focus on getting what I think I will need up. Might not have much time for play testing the ITC missions (the tournament's using the ITC ruleset this time) as well and will have to make do with a game or two to familiarise myself with the intricacies of the missions.

Will probably be bringing a Space Marine army but that might change once I pick up the GK codex this weekend and see what I can field based on the painted models I have. I think top considerations of any competitive list at the moment will be "how do I handle one or more conscript or brimstone horror blobs?" due to the limitations of time in a competitive setting and the effectiveness of screening units in 8th edition. That means a fair amount of bolters, assault cannons and boltstorm gauntlets? Or perhaps we can bypass the blob with deepstriking units (albeit with limitations) or sniper type weapons. Vindicare? Sniper Scouts? Have not had and will not have the time to do a full comparative analysis (points-wise) of the SM Codex so might have to go with a localised comparison (selected units) alongside gut feel here.


A lot will hinge on getting up to speed and absorbing/processing information quickly these 2 weeks and during the games themselves on the 19th of August. Hope to keep you guys updated in the coming days but that will depend on my schedule and education engagements. In the meantime, time to start painting more!!!


the BenCH

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