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Space Marines and the Big FAQ
Yes yes, I know I was supposed to put out the Dark Eldar review but have been going through lists my old lists and got distracted by my...
GW FAQ - The Big One (and one man's thoughts on the changes)
Another big step in our 8th Edition journey!!! From Stormraven and Razorback spam, to Razorwing flock spam, to Dark Reaper spam, to...
Tyranids - The right loadout for your Swarm
Now that most people have gotten their hands on the new Tyranid Codex, you might be wondering about the best way to new or current gribblies
Codex: Craftworlds - First Impressions
I'm super excited about Craftworlds! There, I've said it. The great enemy of 7th edition Warhammer 40k has finally gotten its own co
A Time of Legends 2017 - Part 2
Part 2 of the tournament report. Briefly going through Games 1 through 6 and analysing moves and mistakes made as well as what worked out we
A Time of Legends 2017
*TAKE NOTE that with effect from the newest GW FAQ (image below) on 16 April 2018, the strategy of using Cloud of Flies on Blightlord...
Codex Grey Knight Review: Part 3
What goes well with Grey Knights?
One of the important questions to ask in the day and age of 7th/8th edition where allies and various deta
Codex Grey Knights Review (Part 2)
Hi everyone, welcome back to part 2 of the Codex: Grey Knights review. This time I'll be going through Elites, Fast Attack and Heavy Sup
R2W Invitational Qualifier Report Pt 2
Continuing from Part 1, this covers game 2 and 3 of the tournament as well as my closing thoughts and possible improvements to game play. Ga
Codex Grey Knights Review
"Smite the Daemon!" shouts the call to action at the back of the codex and it's not too far from the truth, smiting the daemon being one...
Tuesdays Tabletop Talk - Tyranid Tactica (Part 3)
Welcome back to Part 3 of the Tyranid Tactica series. We will be going through a list building exercise with the information gleamed from Pa
Tyranid Tactica (Part 2) - Dealing with Vehicles and Heavy Infantry
Welcome back to Part 2 of the Tyranid Tactica. This part focuses on the other 3 types of units, Heavy Infantry (HI), Transports, and Heavy V
Tyranid Tactica (Part 1) on Tuesdays Tabletop Talk
Mathhammer incoming!!! Taking a cue from the T'au Tactica, we've taken that approach to the bugs of the Hive Mind to look at the mos
Tackling problems as T'au in 8th edition
Steve takes a different approach to analysing units and goes for efficiency at dealing with problems. He brings us through his approach as w
Drukhari in 8th Edition
8th edition has landed and I hope everyone has gotten a game or two in with their favourite (and hopefully painted) army. I'll be...
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